New Lehrhaus Judaica is offering Ken Blady’s introductory Yiddish class eight Sunday evenings beginning October 17, 7-8:30pm Pacific Time
Learn this rich and colorful language in a relaxed, irreverent and heymishe atmosphere. All you need is some zits-fleysh (butt + patience), an ardent desire to learn, an interest in Jewish culture, and an ability tsu vern tseshusn far gelekhter (to crack up).
Emphasis will be placed on interactive conversation among the students (almost) entirely in Yiddish in order to develop the ability to form sentences for basic needs when conversing with Yiddish speakers.
The instructor will include salient aspects of the history and evolution of Yiddish as grist for conversation. Students will also master sixty Yiddish shprekhverter (expressions) and vitslekh (witticisms), some rated PG.
To enroll, send a check for $120 to Ken at 1305 Evelyn Ave, Berkeley CA 94702, or pay with a credit card via PayPal.
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