
Honor Wall

In honor or memory of your loved one, or friends, or your Yiddish heritage.

Shelley Glazer

In Memory of our father

Charlie Glazer

Who loved speaking and took great pleasure in teaching the Yiddish language. We miss you, Dad.

June 2024

Diane Schoenfeld

In Memory and Appreciation of our aunt

“Auntie Sylvia” Manger

Who gave us a starter Yiddish vocabulary when we were very young.

May 2024

Gale Kissin

In honor of

Dena Kissin

Mayne yidishe mame

May 2024

The Green Fairy Fund

In honor of

The Hostages

April 2024

Laurie Indenbaum

In memory of my grandmother

Rose Siegel Tyor Katz

April 2024

Marlene Levenson

In honor of

Dr. Yankl Levitow

Yankl has been my wonderful Yiddish teacher for several years and is outstanding.

March 2024

Fran Quittel

In memory of

Grace Kaminstein z"l

Originally from Rome, Italy, Grace married my childhood best friend Dr. David Kaminstein z”l and with Dave became an active member of Kesher Israel Synagogue in West Chester, PA. Grace was active in the congregation and sisterhood, beloved for auctioning off irresistible home-cooked Italian haute cuisine dinners, and as the synagogue’s pre-school French teacher. She will be missed.

February 2024

Fran Quittel

In honor of

Freya Hain

on the occasion of her second birthday on February 1, 2024.

February 2024

Preeva Tramiel

In memory of my parents

Charlotte & Samuel Adler

who listened to WEVD every Sunday and argued about pronunciations every other day!

January 2024

Barbara Wezelman

In memory of my aunt and uncle

Rose & Ernie Wezelman

January 2024

Robin Braverman

In memory of my grandparents

Pauline & Bundy Lang

Pauline and Bundy spoke Hungarian and Yiddish at home. They lived next door to me growing up. Their lives were an inspiration to me in all I do and have done all of my life, not because of great worldly accomplishments, but because they showed me the way to create and anchor family. I feel blessed to have had them in my life.

January 2024

Lorraine Lerman

In honor of

Gerry Tenney

January 2024

Arva Rose

Mayn zayde hot geret yidish, mayn tate hot geret yidish un ikh vel, biz ikh shtarb, redn yidish. Yidish kenisht starbn.

January 2024

Susan Frank

In honor of

Josh (Horowitz) & Cookie (Segelstein)

Thank you for bringing the music!

January 2024

Shelley Fishkin

In memory of

Renée B. Fisher z"l

Renée B. Fisher z”l was a brilliantly talented musician, writer, and teacher who brought Klezmer music to life for family, friends, and especially for me. My beloved mother played clarinet, accordion, piano, bass, vibraharp, and other instruments, and believed music could soften our sorrows and heighten our joys!

January 2024

Martin Bobrowsky

In honor of

Evie (Groch) and Rosie (Kaplan)

Honoring Evie and Rosie for maintaining the Flisik Salon.

January 2024

Laurie Indenbaum

In honor of

Cookie Segelstein

January 2024

Elaine Moise & Bob Grodsky

In memory of

Joe and Lillian Grodsky, z"l

Who loved Yiddish language and music.

January 2024

Howard Freedman

In honor of

Judy Kunofsky

Judy Kunofsky’s work, as a founder of KlezCalifornia and as its devoted leader for two decades, has helped bring Yiddish culture to thousands. A sheynem dank, Judy!

January 2024

Alice Webber & Stephen Tobias

In honor of

Judy Kunofsky

January 2024

Shoshana Shelef

In honor of

Talia Shaham

Thanks for the great send off.

January 2024

Michael Perlmutter

In honor of

Dmitri Gaskin

Ot azoy Dmitri! I’m excited for your joining the board at KlezCalifornia, and all that you will bring to the organization! What an exciting partnership! I’m kvelling as I think of things coming full circle . . . your deep dive into the study and performance of klezmer music as a teenage, and now, years later seeing you giving back to the community in this way. Yasher koakh!

January 2024

Michael Perlmutter

In honor of

Judy Kunofsky &
the KlezCalifornia board of directors

Judy and the Board have and continue to work tirelessly for years on end to nurture, support, and grow the klezmer and Yiddish music, language, and cultural scene around San Francisco Bay. It is a labor of love that makes our community richer, more music and joy filled, and rooted in culture. A groysn sheynem dank!

January 2024

Talia Shaham

In loving memory of my dear brother

Oren Rubin (z"l )

December 2023

Joshua Wirtschafter

Thank you to

Mike Perlmutter

for bringing so much Klezmer music and Yiddish song to the East Bay! His amazing skills as a clarinetist and saxophonist, arranger and composer, band leader and community organizer, do so much to enrich Jewish culture here!

December 2023

Janice Markham

In memory of my father

Raymond Mautner (z”l)

October 2023

Atid Kimelman

In memory of

Avraham Kimelman
& Pessie Charash Teltser

Avraham is my paternal grandfather; Pessie is my maternal grandmother. Both spoke Yiddish and loved music, and I wanted to honor them with this donation to a Fund that will support future generations of Jewish music.

June 2023

Arva Rose

In memory of

Anne Ruth Lehr Holt

Among the good things my mother gave me was a true love of Yidish. Would that she were alive now so we could really speak to each other in Yidish. Would that she could see how many people are keeping di mameloshn alive. It would be such a mechaye.

June 2023

Sherri Rosenberg

In memory of

Leonard Rosenberg

I learned some Yiddish as a child and I still love it. Our cousin Leonard Rosenberg taught himself Yiddish and championed it. This is a thank you and a gift in Leonard’s memory.

June 2023

Diane Schoenfeld

In memory and appreciation of our aunt

“Auntie Sylvia” Manger

who gave us a starter Yiddish vocabulary when we were very young.

June 2023

Ed Anisman & Claire Sherman

In honor of

Judy Kunofsky and the entire KlezCalifornia Board of Directors

June 2023

Harvey Niebulski & Marianne Tatom

L’koved unzere tayere

Bobes, Zeydes, and countless members of our mishpokhe

who spoke Galitsyaner un Litvish Yiddish and whose beautiful lives steeped in Yidishkayt graced the towns of Rymanow & Lida.
Sadly, we were only fortunate to get to know you in some small measure through a few photographs, stories recounted in Yiddish and Hebrew, and family trees. Although we never had the opportunity to meet you personally, we are honoring your memory and legacy and unzer traditsye. We are mamesh pleased to have the opportunity to carry it forward into the future.

June 2023

Nicole Lerner

In memory of

Yitzhak ben Leib z"l

I’d like to ask you to take just a moment to wish my father’s soul a peaceful journey into the next world. He was a kind person, with a smile that could brighten the darkest of places. If you could take the opportunity to do one kind gesture today in his honor, I know he will smile down and shine some light into our darkness. Thank you for holding him in your thoughts.

May 2023

Pinny Switzer

for my dedicated teachers from the

I.L. Peretz Folk Shul

in Winnipeg, Canada, including Falik Zolf, Moshe Cantor, and Avrom Lapin.

May 2023

Patricia Stoddard

In memory of

Pearl Davis

Pearl inspired me to learn to speak Yiddish as we sang together in Southern California Workers Circle Yiddish language chorus, Mit Gezang.
May her memory be for a blessing.

May 2023

Alixe Dancer

In memory of

Leora Cassells

For all that she did to share her love of Yiddish music, Yiddish culture and the Yiddish language wherever she went.

May 2023

Dorothea Dorenz

A tribute to my parents

Lillian & David Dorenz

who gave me the opportunity to play and love music.

May 2023

Laurie Indenbaum

In memory of

Theresa Dorothy Tyor

May 2023

Joan Edelstein

In memory of my maternal grandmother

Chana Gottlieb

from Tarnobrzeg and all the family that stayed behind only to perish in the Khurbn. May their memories be for a blessing.

May 2023