Other Locations
Other Locations
American Jewish Radicals, with Elaine Leeder
From early 20th century socialists to 60s anti-war anarchists and modern-day feminists, dive into the history, personalities, and philosophies of America’s radical Jewish activists. This course is cosponsored by the The Workers Circle/Arbeter Ring of Northern California.
SESSION I: Jewish Radicalism in Europe and the US; The Triangle Fire; Fania Cohn, Rose Schneiderman, Pauline Newman, and Rose Pesotta.
SESSION II: Socialism, Communism, Anarchism? Sam Dolgoff, Saul Alinsky, Julius Lester
SESSION III: Movements of the 1940s-1960s – Abbie Hoffman; Jerry Rubin; our experiences.
SESSION IV: The Feminists – Bella Abzug; Betty Friedan; Gloria Steinem; lessons from the radicals.
A class offered by HaMaqom (formerly Lehrhaus Judaica), Sunday March 1 – Sunday, March 29, 1-2:30pm.
Co-sponsored by Workers Circle/Arbeter Ring of Northern California.