

Mon Jul 20 2020


11:00 am - 1:00 pm



Are you sleeping, Sephardim?, lecture with Aron Saltiel and Josh Horowitz

Session #11 of the Promiscuous World of Jewish Music lecture series with Joshua Horowitz 

PM Josh Horowitz via Facebook for a seat at this lecture and receive a Zoom code! There is a =limit of 100 participants.

Donations are accepted and appreciated, but not required.

This is a one-time event! Special guest, Aron Saltiel makes a cameo appearance in this lecture to examine the development of the multiple genres of Sephardic Music, including romansas, coplas and cantigas. We’ll look at folk styles, popular styles and art music styles and how each infuses Sephardic music with its own gestures. We’ll feature rare historical recordings, videos, photos and live singing in this lecture, gaining insights into the music that would be hard to find elsewhere. The texts used in the songs can sometimes be traced to biblical and mythological sources, and the music morphs through the ages, sometimes via fakelore, and sometimes with surprising historical twists and turns. Join one of the foremost insiders of contemporary Sephardic music in a unique event this week. Aron Saltiel was born in Istanbul into a Judeo-Spanish-speaking family. As a trained linguist and native speaker, Aron is uniquely equipped to navigate the complex world of Sephardic music and culture, both past and present. Don’t miss this one!

Monday, July 20, 11am California/2pm New York/ 7pm UK/ 8pm most of Europe