

Sun Feb 18 2024


Pacific Time
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Presented by KlezCalifornia

Flisik Yidish Salon, February 18th, 2024

A conversation Salon for fluent (flisik) Yiddish speakers.

Tayere Fraynt,
Mir hofn az ir mit ayer gantser mishpokhe blaybn gezunt un shtark. Zuntik, dem akhtsn februar fun 2 biz 3 nokh mitog in Kalifornye veln mir hobn a Salon af Zoom. Bloyz di mentshn vos registirn az zey veln kumen veln bakumen dem veb adres.
Look up your local time HERE.

Di teme far februar vet zayn: Velkhe fir pozitsyes oder shteles volt ir af keyn shum oyfn nisht maskem geven ontsunemen, vifl me zol aykh nisht batsoln? Far vos nisht?

װעלכע פֿיר פּאָזיציעס אָדער שטעלעס װאָלט איר אױף קײן שום אופֿן נישט מסכּים געװען אָנצונעמען, װיפֿל מע זאָל אײַך נישט באַצאָלן? פֿאַר װאָס נישט?

Which four jobs or careers would you never agree to hold no matter how much money you were paid? Why not?


To reserve a space, scroll down and complete the registration form. As soon as you register, you will receive a confirmation. You will then receive sign-in information the morning of the Sunday of the Salon. Please let us know in advance if you will be unable to participate.

If you are a potential new participant in the Flisik Salon, please contact co-host Rosie Kaplan for a conversation in Yiddish to ensure your level of fluency is appropriate.

For general information about Salons, see