

Sun Oct 15 2023


Pacific Time
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Presented by KlezCalifornia

Flisik Yidish Salon, October 15, 2023

A conversation Salon for fluent (flisik) Yiddish speakers.

Tayere Fraynt,
Mir hofn az ir mit ayer gantser mishpokhe blaybn gezunt un shtark. Zuntik, dem fuftsnt oktober fun 2 biz 3 nokh mitog in Kalifornye veln mir hobn a Salon af Zoom. Bloyz di mentshn vos registirn az zey veln kumen veln bakumen dem veb adres.
Look up your local time HERE.

Di teme far oktober vet zayn:   Vos iz eyn zakh vos ir kent ton vos keyn anderer ken nisht?

What is one thing you can do that no one else can?

  ? װאָס איז אײן זאַך װאָס איר קען טאָן װאָס קײן אַנדערער קען נישט 


To reserve a space, scroll down and complete the registration form. As soon as you register, you will receive a confirmation. You will then receive sign-in information the morning of the Sunday of the Salon. Please let us know in advance if you will be unable to participate.

If you are a potential new participant in the Flisik Salon, please contact co-host Rosie Kaplan for a conversation in Yiddish to ensure your level of fluency is appropriate.

For general information about Salons, see