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East Bay
Chasing the Changes, with Jeanette Lewicki
Teacher Jeanette Lewicki
CHASING THE CHANGES: Want to be welcome at any jam session? A credit to your band? A support for virtuoso players & beginners alike? Beloved of bassists & dug by drummers? It’s all about comping & vamping! (That is, accompaniment.) Accompanists are essential to klezmer. Not everybody can (or should) play all melody all the time. The best players know when to step back & support other musicians, lock in to the appropriate dance rhythm, follow chord changes, & jump in to comment on the melody. We’ll review klezmer rhythm forms, read & write chord charts, learn how to hear changes coming, and how to make an educated guess about what they will be. KlezCalifornia will post some simple tunes for folks to learn by heart, and then we’ll study their underlying structures and play with variations. Appropriate to intermediate & advanced musicians, whether they’ve played klezmer before or not.