Lecture 18 in Josh Horowitz’ series, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music
DATE: Monday, September 14
TIME: 11am California/ 2pm New York/ 7pm UK/ 8pm most of Europe
The first woman ordained as a cantor happened in 1975, but the first women to professionally sing the traditional synagogue liturgy publicly began more than a half-century before. Denied a pulpit, pioneering women khazntes — Madame Sophie Kurtzer, Freydele Oysher, Sheindele di Khaznte, Goldye May Steiner and Bryna Zuckerberg — created through radio, theater and commercial recordings, a consciousness in the Jewish world about women as the Sheliakh Tzibur/ Messenger of the People, a reality abundantly present today. Join Henry Sapoznik as he shares rare period recordings of these women cantors and discusses their lasting importance and enduring artistic accomplishments.
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Password: 156230
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