During the 1950s, as Yiddish culture was fading from public view, Mickey Katz (1909-1985) gave it a second wind. A clarinetist, bandleader, and comedian, he performed his “Yinglish” musical parodies to sold-out crowds across North America and produced blockbuster recordings. In this lecture, we will listen to Katz’s music, learn about its history, and try to decipher a bit of his humor. There is no charge for this class.
Uri Schreter is a musicologist, pianist, and composer at Harvard University. His current research project explores the aesthetics and politics of postwar Jewish music in the United States and in Israel.
Presented by New Lehrhaus in partnership with KlezCalifornia.
Registration begins on January 3 at https://www.newlehrhaus.org.
© KlezCalifornia Inc, or used by permission. All rights reserved.