

Mon Nov 23 2020


Pacific TIme
11:00 am



Of Esther, Mordecai, and the Purim Players, with Diana Matut

Lecture #25 in Joshua Horowitz’s series, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music

By Dr. Diana Matut

Monday, Nov 23, 11am California/2pm New York/ 7pm UK/ 8pm most of Europe
Length: 1 – 2 hours.
Donations to Josh Horowitz are accepted and appreciated:

Zoom Meeting ID: 967 8901 9038
Password: 156230

There is a Zoom limit of 100 participants.

A modern audience is accustomed to the fact that Purim-plays render the Purim-story proper in whatever manner or fashion. The rich and varied Purim customs of Early Modern Ashkenaz, however, provided the framework for a complex set of performances that encompassed various topics – with the Purim-story itself being just one choice out of many. The songs that were performed lay at the heart of the development of the Purim-play. They remained a part of it or were performed separately for various centuries. This lecture is dedicated to the rich and varied Ashkenazic song culture and will present various Purim-songs of Early Modern Ashkenaz.

Dr. Diana Matut is a Yiddish singer and music researcher based in Halle, Germany.