

Mon Nov 02 2020


Pacific Standard Time
11:00 am



The Magid Chronicles: Sofia Magid and the transformation of her work by Veretski Pass

Lecture 23 in Josh Horowitz’s series, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music

Monday, November 2, 11am California/2pm New York/ check local times as winter time begins on different dates
Length: 1 – 2 hours.
Donations are accepted and appreciated:

To sign in:

Zoom Meeting ID: 967 8901 9038
Password: 156230

There is a limit of 100 participants.

Beginning her fieldwork before Moshe Beregovski, Sofia Magid – the Jewish ethnographer who worked intensively to document Jewish music in Belarus and Ukraine during Stalin’s regime in the 1920s and 30s – made hundreds of recordings of folk music. These cylinder recordings include music that was not only collected by a woman, but that also feature rare examples of women’s themes. In 2018, Veretski Pass and Joel Rubin began transcribing, performing and recording a program of these, culminating in their CD, “The Magid Chronicles,” dedicated to Magid and featuring unique renditions of her work. Although some musicologists have attempted to draw an academic line between Yiddish vocal songs and klezmer instrumental tunes, Veretski Pass transformed both into new “traditional” settings. You’ll hear the original cylinder recordings of Magid, then witness the metamorphosis of these into a listening and dance program.

About Veretski Pass»