YOMC, Yiddish Open Mic Café will meet online to discuss the theme of Folklore. Feel free to present songs, poems, jokes, stories, games or whatever strikes your fancy, in Yiddish, either on this theme or not, as you wish. Presentations should take up to 6 minutes. Special guest Natalia Krynicka will discuss poet Miriam Ulinover’s Greetings from the Old-New Home. Natalia is a scholar, librarian and translator of Yiddish at the Medem Library in Paris.
To perform or be part of the audience, please register at https://tinyurl.com/4mv99b4s. Please send your material, in Yiddish, with a translation, in either Word or PowerPoint to yiddishcafe@gmail.com by Tuesday October 25. The Yiddish can be in Yiddish letters or transliteration. If you have any questions, or need translating assistance, contact yiddishcafe@gmail.com
Presented by the Yiddish Cafe Trust in association with the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCOJEC).
Recordings of previous Yiddish Open Mic Cafes can be found on YouTube.
© KlezCalifornia Inc, or used by permission. All rights reserved.