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Yiddish Songs from, about, and for Ukraine, with Sasha Lurje

Ukraine has been a home for Yiddish poets, songsters, and writers for centuries. The music of Jews living in Ukraine influenced, and was influenced in turn, by the music of their non-Jewish neighbors in villages and small towns (shtetlekh), and later in large cities. We will explore poets from Kyiv and from the legendary underworld of Odessa, and night songs from neighboring villages. This workshop is for people who like to sing and who want to learn these songs. You are welcome to attend and not sing (we’re on Zoom, so you will be muted anyway), but the workshop is designed to be a participatory experience rather than a lecture or performance.
About Sasha Lurje
Sasha Lurje is a Yiddish singer and performer from Riga, Latvia. Her wide heritage ranges from Don Cossacks to Ukrainian peasants, from Jewish intelligentsia to hard-working shtetl Jews. In her song choices, she tries to represent all the facets of her own background.
To reserve a space, scroll down to BOOK EVENT, click on NEXT, and complete the registration form. Registration ends the day of the event at 7am Pacific Time (Check out this time zone converter) to receive sign-in info by 8:10am PT that day. If you have not heard by then, first check your junk/spam folder, then write workshops@klezcalifornia.org. Do not wait until just before the event begins to check whether you have sign-in info.
If you have not registered on time, write workshops@klezcalifornia.org; we cannot promise to notice your email if you contact us after the deadline.
Registering includes giving KlezCalifornia permission to take still and video images and use them for educational or other organizational purposes. If you do not agree to such use, please turn off your camera after you sign in. To keep you informed of future events, we enroll registrants in our free monthly newsletter which includes klezmer and Yiddish culture events in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. You may unsubscribe at any time. KlezCalifornia does not share its lists with other organizations.
KlezCalifornia relies on donations from participants to cover the costs of online lectures, workshops, kumzitsn, play readings, and more. Donations of $18, $36, $108 (or whatever you can afford) are greatly appreciated to enable us to continue to connect you with Yiddish culture and to assist presenters, many of whom have lost most of their income.
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