

Sun Aug 14 2022


Pacific Time
10:30 am



Yiddish Open Mic Cafe, 50th Jubilee

YOMC, Yiddish Open Mic Café is holding a special program on Sunday, August 14, 12:30pm PT with special guests Rukhl Schaechter, editor of the Forverts, and Lily Kahn, Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Languages at University College London and author of Colloquial Yiddish.

Presented by the Yiddish Cafe Trust in association with the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCOJEC).


There is a small charge for new people this month only. Everyone on the YOMC mailing list can attend free of charge by quoting YIDDISH2022 when you book. A link to the event will be sent out a few days in advance of the Open Mic.

Check out details about the regular, monthly Open Mic Cafe.

The recording of previous Yiddish Open Mic Cafes can be found on YouTube.