
Lewicki, Jeanette

 Lecturers, Performers, Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders

Jeanette Lewicki, who lives in Oakland, is a long-time singer of Yiddish songs as well as an accordionist, artist, writer, and klezmer musician. She leads her own band “the gonifs” and she loves to teach. Jeanette first picked up the accordion in the vegan commune where she started living at the age of 28.

During the pandemic, she began the Pepi Litman Project to translate the satirical songs of that charismatic turn-of-the-century cross-dresser from Yiddish into English.

Jeanette feels lucky to learn from and work with dedicated Yiddishists including Arkady Gendler, Gerry Tenney, Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman, Itzik Gottesman, Eliezer Niborski, and Miriam Trinh.

Offers multi-media presentations on:

  • The Roots of Yiddish Theatre in Eastern Europe
  • The Songs Collected by Ruth Rubin from East European refugees

Programs in Yiddish tango, Yiddish theatre & folk song, children’s songs, wedding music, funeral processions, and garage sales. Songs about love, revolution and potatoes in Yiddish, French, English, Spanish, Ladino. Subways a specialty. Teacher with twenty years’ experience.

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  • Listing ID: 681