Lecture #54 in Joshua Horowitz’s series, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music
Singing in Yiddish in the Middle Ages?! with Diana Matut
Monday, July 26, 11am Pacific Time/2pm New York/ 7pm London/ 8pm Paris/ 9pm Tel Aviv. Please confirm the local time.
Length: 1 – 2 hours
Donations to Josh Horowitz are accepted and appreciated, but not required.
Zoom Meeting ID: 967 8901 9038
Password: 156230
There is a Zoom limit of 100 participants. You do not need to register; simply use the sign-in info above.
To speak about “Yiddish Song” in the Middle Ages may be misleading. Did Yiddish even exist then as an entity in its own right? And what consequences arise from our current assumptions? As far as sources go, no musical notation exists for any Yiddish text of the period, so we have to ask ourselves which texts might have been sung and just how were they sung. Is there any direct evidence of melodies and performance practices or do we rely on co-territorial cultures to make our conclusions? This presentation will address these issues head on with a mind toward expanding our understanding the problems and offering possible methods of performance practice.
This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Alliance for California Traditional Arts, in partnership with the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Grants for the Arts, and The California Endowment.
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