

Mon Sep 27 2021


Pacific Time
11:00 am



Rabbis Enraged: Cantorial Transgression in the 17th – 18th Century Synagogue

Lecture #60 in Joshua Horowitz’s series, The Promiscuous World of Jewish Music

Rabbis Enraged: Cantorial Transgression in the 17th – 18th Century Synagogue, with Cantor Matthew Austerklein

Monday, September 27, 11am California / 2pm New York / 7pm London / 8pm Paris / 9pm Tel Aviv. Please confirm local time.

Length: 1 – 2 hours

Zoom Meeting ID: 967 8901 9038

Password: 156230

Although there is a Zoom limit of 100 participants, there’s always plenty of room. You do not need to register; simply use the sign-in info above.

Donations to Josh Horowitz are accepted and appreciated, but not required.

The history of the cantor is often a tug-of-war between rabbinic ideals of piety and the expressive spirit of the Jewish people. One of the most colorful conflicts in cantorial history occurred in the early modern period, when cantors (led by Polish immigrants) introduced foreign melodies, expansive music, and additional singers (meshorerim) into synagogues all over Ashkenazi Europe. This infuriated many rabbis, who penned colorful and scathing critiques of their cantorial contemporaries. This talk will explore rabbinic polemics and cantorial apologia for insight into the cantorial innovations of this era.t.

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