

Mon Apr 04 2022


Pacific Time
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Co-presented by KlezCalifornia

Topics in Jewish Music: a four-session course with Josh Horowitz

Josh Horowitz will lead an audio-visual exploration of Jewish music ranging from the Middle East to the classical music world. Joshua Horowitz will lead an audio-visual exploration of Jewish music ranging from the Middle East to the classical music world. His presentation will include both contemporary and historical recordings, videos, and historical curiosities. Each class will end with a lively question and answer session. Four consecutive Mondays March 14- April 4, all 6:30-8pm PT. Course presented by Jewish Community Library and co-presented by KlezCalifornia.

The Red Herrings of Jewish Music, March 14. Music archetypes and the illusion of ownership; music as a symbol of diaspora; the outsiders’ view, including satires and parodies; and red herrings of Jewish music.

• The Sephardic World and the Reinvention of History, March 21. The historical development and characteristics of the three main genres of Sephardic music: Romanceros, Coplas, and Canconieros.

• The Classical Connection and Jewish Art Music, March 28. The interconnection of Jewish and classical music from the Medieval to Contemporary eras.

• From Badkhones to the Balkans: The Lost Art of Making Brides Cr, April 4. The role of badkhones as a central building block of the klezmer musical system, and will explore the uses of klezmer music for Jewish ritual functions, entertainment, and political causes in modern times.

Joshua Horowitz is a composer who plays chromatic button accordion, cimbalom, and piano. He is founder and director of the group Budowitz, a founding member of Veretski Pass, and has performed and recorded with Itzhak Perlman, Theodore Bikel, and the Vienna Chamber Orchestra. His books include The Ultimate Klezmer and The Sephardic Songbook.

Tuition is $100 for the series of four classes. Follow link below to register.

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