Yiddish and Yinglish Songs for Kids Young and Old, with Gerry Tenney ONLINE
Kids of all ages and adults who are young at heart are warmly invited to join folksinger and children’s entertainer Gerry Tenney in a free, online 45-minute program of Yiddish and Yinglish songs. Gerry. a master of songs for kids and families, will teach Yiddish and English songs with simple repeating choruses and fun lyrics, as well as songs in “Yinglish” (happy combinations of Yiddish and English words). Gather ‘round to sing and listen. It’s for the gantseh mishpokheh (the whole family)!
The event begins 11am Pacific Time (2pm Eastern Time, 7pm UK, 8pm most Europe, 9pm Israel).
To reserve a space, scroll down to BOOK EVENT, click on NEXT, and complete the registration form.
Those who have registered by Sunday 7am Pacific Time (10am Eastern Time, 3pm UK Time, 4pm most Europe, 5pm Israel) will receive sign-in by 8:10am Pacific Time that day. If you have not heard by then, write a.s.a.p. to workshops@klezcalifornia.org. Please do not wait until just before the event begins to notice whether you have the sign-in info.
KlezCalifornia is presenting workshops this year free of charge as a community service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Donations of $25 (or whatever you can afford) would be greatly appreciated to enable us to continue our mission to connect you with Yiddish culture.
General information about KlezCalifornia workshops »
This workshop is made possible in part by a grant from the Alliance for California Traditional Arts, in partnership with the Walter and Elise Haas Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Surdna Foundation. We count on registration fees and donations to cover the rest of the expenses.