Exhibit space, lunchtime, and evening programs. No charge. For almost half a century, the Judah L. Magnes Museum offered exhibitions and public programs on the history and the cultures of the Jews in the global diaspora and the American West. In 2010, the collection was donated to U.C. Berkeley and...
Extensive collection of Yiddish books.
Teaches conversational Yiddish, Yiddish sayings and folk expressions
Lecturers, Yiddish Language Teachers and Translators / East Bay
Traditional East European klezmer music, Klezmer Shul project, many lecture/demonstrations, dance parties (available with Steve Weintraub). Fidl, viola, accordion, tsimbl, tilinca, baraban, cello, bass. Cookie Segelstein, Joshua Horowitz and Stuart Brotman form a trio of veteran musicians, known throughout the world for energetic concerts, informative lectures, and tireless teaching. From...
Vocolot, led by Linda Hirschhorn, brings a joyous fusion of folk, jazz and cantorial vocal traditions into the contemporary a cappella world. Their music, rooted in universal heart, social conscience and Jewish soul, communicates a powerful vision of world peace and reconciliation. Vocolot sings in English, Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish, and...
Performers, Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders / East Bay
Yiddish learning and conversation group meets Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am, except holidays outdoors at the JCC East Bay in Berkeley. No charge. Kum un redt a bisl Yidish mit unz. Come join us as we shmues. Everyone is welcome who has an interest in Yiddish, whether remembering only a few words or being fluent,...
Lectures on History of Russian-Jewish music, Jewish themes in Russian music, Marc Chagall and music. Ethnomusicologist and folklorist specializing in Eurasia. Visiting scholar at U.C. Berkeley’s Institute of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies teaching History of Russian-Jewish music (of the Society for Jewish Folk Music, 1908 to ca.1932). Author...
Lectures on Russian and East European Jewish history. Daniel E. Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture and History, Stanford University