

Lectures on East European Jewish music and culture, the klezmer revival, Jewish music revival in Poland, Polish-Jewish history and relations, as well as Israel-Palestine: a dual narrative approach. Former Director, Jewish Music Festival. Has taught at the Graduate Theological Union, New Lehrhaus, Congregation Beth El (Arcata, California), Aquarian Minyan Yeshiva,...

 Lecturers /  East Bay

Participatory workshops in Jewish crafts for adults, children, and/or families. Make mezuzes, amulets, hamsas, challah covers, and other ritual objects in diverse media (paper cutting, polymer clay, story quilts/fabric, and metal foil). Creates ceramic sculptures and Jewish ritual objects, including spice boxes, mezuzes, khanike menoras, and amulets. Following graduation from...

 Arts & Crafts Teachers /  East Bay

Professional children’s entertainer and edu-tainer since 1997.

 Storytellers / Maggidim /  San Francisco

A comprehensive website dedicated to Sholem Aleichem [1859-1916], the most popular and iconic Jewish writer of his generation. As you explore this site you’ll discover more about the remarkable life and equally remarkable afterlife of the man whose works have traveled continents, inspired generations, and provided the material for the legendary Broadway musical Fiddler...

 Yiddish Culture Online /  Online

Roslyn Sholin is an exhibit creator and public speaker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Roslyn inherited her grandmother’s old house and became an accidental curator. She transformed decades of material into educationally rich content. Her projects include an exhibit, “My Attic, Your Story" and she has discussed the...


Annual fall film festival which sometimes includes films about Eastern European Jewish culture.

 Other Resources /  Santa Clara County

Compiled by Chana and Yosl Mlotek (paperback, $24.95 + S/H). Similar format. NOTE: Search online for this book. KlezCalifornia does not sell it.

 Yiddish Songbooks

Lectures on music and synagogue life, the meeting of Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Italian and other Jewish musical cultures in Italy and the Mediterranean (past and present), Jews and Opera, Jewish musical revivals. Curator of Collections, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, U.C. Berkeley. Editor, Italian Jewish Musical Traditions (2002...

 Lecturers /  East Bay

Extensive collection of Yiddish books. See also The Secular Yiddish Schools in North America (SYSNA) Collection, above.

 Other Resources /  Santa Clara County

Presentations year-round on all aspects of Yiddish culture to students grades K-12 in day schools, religious schools, and Jewish day camps. Lesson plans available to teachers in the Bay Area and beyond.

 Youth Programs

Klezmer performances with California Klezmer and solo. Composing and performing Yiddish children's songs. Provides musical direction of performances. Leads Yiddish sing-alongs, plays mandolin and guitar. Offers presentations to adults and kids (in grades indicated) on: Intro to Yiddish Language & History (for adults or grades K-12). Learn A Bisl Yiddish (for...

 Lecturers, Performers, Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders /  East Bay

We strive to make the highest quality bagels using traditional bagel making techniques and the best ingredients. Our bagels are made with fresh flour, whole grains, and fermented with a sourdough starter. We use local and organic produce, dairy, and grains.  Closed Monday and Tuesday.

 Ashkenazic Food /  Sonoma County

In Yiddish: News, cooking shows, crossword puzzles, and more. Word of the Day videos.

 Yiddish Culture Online, Yiddish Language and Culture – Informal Learning /  Online

Klezmer music & Yiddish songs for weddings, parties, street marches, bar/bas mitsveh celebrations, simkhes of all sorts. Leader Jeanette Lewicki

 Performers /  East Bay

Thursdays 10 – 11:30am Turn your morning into dance. Discover the beauty and rejuvenating force of this ancient ecstatic dance as the moves of the ancestors are tailor fit to each individual body and unique expression. Glorious Jewish World Beat and Middle East grooves are our soundtrack as the whole...

 Dance Classes and Dance Leaders /  East Bay

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