

This online project has been created by some prominent Yiddish singers and scholars: Michael Alpert, Walter Zev Feldman, Itzik Gottesman, Ethel Raim, Josh Waletzky, and Mark Slobin. (In their words:) First, we identify the genre of the folksong within the culture of eastern Ashkenazic Jews and the surrounding European societies....

 Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song - Online Resources /  Online

Available online from Abe Books and from Amazon.  

 Yiddish Language Textbooks

Searchable collections of recordings, e.g., George Blood collection Jewish,  Yiddish,  Pepi Litman

 Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song - Online Resources

Bagels, plus lox, shears, salads, and cookies. Serves breakfast and lunch and caters. Two locations, Palo Alto and East Palo Alto. Supervised by the Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California.

 Ashkenazic Food /  Santa Clara County

Bi-weekly magazine about Jewish life in Northern California, as well as this event calendar.

 Community Event News and Calendars Online /  Online

The Sascha Jacobsen Quartet has performed for historically significant premieres of previously lost silent films including A City Without Jews, based on the novel of Hugo Bettauer, and Broken Barriers based on the novel Tevye the Dairyman by Sholem Aleichem. Both films were unseen for almost 100 years before being...

 Music Teachers, Performers /  San Francisco

Presenter of free educational programs evenings and Sundays. Circulating collection of hundreds of Yiddish books and instructional materials, klezmer/Yiddish recordings and sheet music, and Yiddish videos. Programs and readings on Yiddish culture. Additional branch at the Oshman Family (Palo Alto) JCC. All programs and services are free and open to...

 Other Resources /  San Francisco

Meets Tuesday nights, 7:30-9:30pm. Repertoire is mostly Yiddish but also includes Ladino, Russian, and Hebrew songs. Performs for audiences around the Bay. Prior knowledge of these languages is not necessary, but always welcome. The 4th Tuesday evening of every month,  7-8pm,  is a "Groyse (Large) Workshop" to which the public...

 Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders /  San Francisco

Extensive links to Jewish music archives and info

 Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song - Online Resources

Dedicated to the education, documentation, research, and remembrance of the Holocaust. Extensive multilingual research library on Eastern European Jewish communities and their fate in the Holocaust, along with public programs.

 Other Resources /  San Francisco

KlezCalifornia has been informed of the passing of Sonia Tubridy on November 26, 2021. We will post memorial information when we receive it.   Band specializing in traditional Old World Klezmer and Israeli dance music. Also swing and old standards. Sonia Tubridy, accordion; Paul Alexander, clarinet; Gus Garelick, mandolin and...

 Performers /  Sonoma County

Designs synagogue and private gardens, in addition to other work. Studies the spatial organization of traditional Jewish communities in Eastern Europe and its transposition to Jewish communities in the U.S., Canada, Israel and Australia. Masters in Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

 Lecturers /  Marin County

The Kehilla Klezmer Band features members of Kehilla Community Synagogue of Piedmont (right on the border with Oakland), California. Members of Saul Goodman’s Klezmer Band have been collaborating with Kehilla since 2017. The collaboration culminates each year with a Simkhes Toyre dance party.

 Community and Synagogue Bands /  East Bay

Judaica and Hebraica Curator, Stanford University Library

 Lecturers /  Santa Clara County

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