

Bruce Bierman is a celebrated Jewish dance master, teaching artist and award-winning theater director in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. He was a leading performer and teaching artist with the acclaimed Aman Folk Dance Ensemble of Los Angeles and currently serves on the faculty of Oakland's groundbreaking Stagebridge Performing...

 Dance Classes and Dance Leaders, Lecturers, Music Teachers, Performers /  East Bay

PERFORMING Flute Solo or Flute and Harp for weddings, concerts, background music, or other occasions. Klezmer and other Jewish styles, classical, pop. TEACHING Teaches all types of Jewish and classical music for flute, piccolo, amd recorder; and music theory. Ages five to adult. Online and in person. Has a degree...

 Lecturers, Music Teachers, Performers /  Santa Clara County

Poetry readings, classes, and workshops on Yiddish and Hebrew women poets by a poet and translator from Hebrew and Yiddish. Author of The Book of Blessings (a re-creation of Jewish prayer from a gender-inclusive perspective). Translations include With Teeth in the Earth: Selected Poems of Malka Heifetz Tussman (from Yiddish),...

 Lecturers /  East Bay

Rachel B. Gross is the John and Marcia Goldman Professor of American Jewish Studies in the department of Jewish studies at San Francisco State University. She is a scholar of religious studies whose work focuses on the lives, spaces, and objects of twentieth-century and contemporary American Jews. She is currently...

 Ashkenazic Food, Lecturers /  San Francisco

Joshua Horowitz is an internationally renowned klezmer performer with Veretski Pass, Budowitz, and other groups.> Individual Presentations: Josh offers presentations on: The Red Herrings of Jewish Music Klezmer Music and the "Co-opting" of a Science The Hasidic World of Music The Magic Chronicles Lecture and Presentation The Jewish Tsimbl Klez...

 Lecturers, Music Teachers, Performers /  East Bay

Klezmer performances with California Klezmer and solo. Composing and performing Yiddish children's songs. Provides musical direction of performances. Leads Yiddish sing-alongs, plays mandolin and guitar. Offers presentations to adults and kids (in grades indicated) on: Intro to Yiddish Language & History (for adults or grades K-12). Learn A Bisl Yiddish (for...

 Lecturers, Performers, Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders /  East Bay

Jeanette Lewicki, who lives in Oakland, is a long-time singer of Yiddish songs as well as an accordionist, artist, writer, and klezmer musician. She leads her own band “the gonifs” and she loves to teach. Jeanette first picked up the accordion in the vegan commune where she started living at...

 Lecturers, Performers, Yiddish Choruses, Singers and Song Leaders /  East Bay

Formerly Reinhard Family Curator for Judaica and Hebraica Collections, Stanford University

 Lecturers /  Santa Clara County

Ken Blady is a Jewish educator, Yiddish teacher, author, and translator of seven works from Yiddish. YIDDISH COURSES See Ken's current Yiddish courses at or contact Ken directly. LECTURES Offers lectures on: History of the Yiddish Language Give Me Your Huddled Masses: Jewish Immigration to New York City The...

 Lecturers, Yiddish Language Teachers and Translators /  East Bay

Yael Chaver is a native of Israel and a long-time resident of Berkeley. She holds a Ph.D. in Yiddish from U.C. Berkeley, and recently retired from that institution after seventeen years as a lecturer in Yiddish language, literature, and culture for the Center for Jewish Studies and the Department of...

 Lecturers, Yiddish Language Teachers and Translators /  East Bay

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